In the event that you purchase an incorrect item, you will be permitted to exchange that item within 48 hours upon the date of payment, otherwise no more exchange will be permitted. Exchanges are subject to the availability of your requested item and will be based on the return policy agreement. Return and Exchange will also be based on the warranty agreement of the item.

To request an exchange, please e-mail with the subject, "Request for Item Change". Please take note that the two-way shipping and processing fees will be shouldered by you.

At this time, we can only offer an exchange but not refund or cancellation on paid orders. 

In the unlikely event of an error on our part (e.g. our delivered item/s do not match your order on record), SNSPI shall bear the cost of re-delivery. The buyer shall have two (2) working days from receipt of the item/s to report the error to us through email or at contact numbers provided in this site.  We will then contact you with further details on how to exchange your item.